Monday, November 10, 2008

Craft Fair for MOPS

So... The craft fair has come and gone.. It was a huge success for M.O.P.S. . It was also a lot of work.. Tina and I are going to take a week to recover I think. We were there at the church all day.. every day for three full days.. My feet have never hurt so bad. Anyway.. Our bake sale table went very well.. These are the things I donated for the table.
Eva has yet to see the princess sucker!! I have two made and at home for some special treat sometime soon.
My flower sugar cookies I can now do in my sleep.. But I do love to make these.
And ofcourse the cupcake pops.. With my label on them!! :) I had three people ask for cards.. I should have made some! I am now going to order some asap!!
And something new for me.. Chocolate pretzels.. I have done some in the past but not with molds.. Tina gave me this mold and I had to try it out the same day she gave it to me last week.. So I made a few for the craft fair.. Next year I want to do xmas ones.. They sold fast..
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