Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey's Turkey's

I enjoyed doing this one with the kids.. I had a friend come over and help.. We had 4 kids helping and eating all the candy!
All you need is Oreo's, Candy Corn, Woppers, Resses Peanut Butter cup (mini) and frosting. White and Brown. I had a friend send me a link to The crafty Crow that had these goodies on there site. I decided to give them a try.
You use the frosting to glue all the pieces on. I used brown frosting to glue everything together. Dont push to hard on the candy corn or you will split the cookie apart.. I used brown frosting on top of the white filling to increase the hold on the candy corn. They stuck in there easier. Then put the cup and the wopper on.
I used white frosting to put the beak on then pipe the eyes with white and a little dot for the color of the eyes. Instead of pipping orange frosting on for the feet I cut the orange part of the candy corn and used that for the feet.

They were fun to make. The kids enjoyed the final product.. And all the parts of the product!!
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