Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bread or Cookies??

So I was in the baking mood today. Made some sugar cookies, then looked at the banana's I had in the fruit basket.. They looked pretty sad. So I decided to make banana bread.. then I thought.. oooohhh I have some chocolate chips. I should add those to the loaf.. Then I took it a step further and decided to see if they would hold up in cookie form. And what do you know?? They did!
I only made 6 at first on the silpat.. Then I let Eva try one!! LOL I too tried one.. I was pretty impressed that they tasted really good. And they were done all the way through.
I used a Med. pampered chef scoop to scoop them out onto the silpat. That way they are all the same size.
I had to keep checking on them. Not knowing how long to cook them.. I started at 10 minutes.. Then kept having to come back to them every 2 minutes.. They finally looked done at 19 minutes.. So I would say the time is between 18 to 20 minutes..
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