Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Well I search on line to figure out how to dip strawberries in choc. Thought it would be simple.. just dip them in melted chocolate.. Nope nothing is ever easy if you want them to be just right.. You have to wash them, then dry them 100%.. no water anywhere can be on the berries.. This will cause the chocolate to seize.. And they must be room temp. I used just regular milk chocolate and tempered it. Then it was ready to dip. Then to get the berries to not have that flat part... yup.. you have to stick them onto toothpicks and then stick the toothpick into styrofoam board. And a side note.. put them in the fridge only to set the chocolate.. do not let them sit over night!! My mistake.. they will start to form condensation on the berries and chocolate.. :( next time I will know better!
But they looked just fine once on my cake stands.
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