Thursday, February 25, 2010

St. Patty's Day


I have had this in my mind for a while.. Had to make it a reality. Everything is better on a stick. I wanted to use my best tasting Dove Chef Chocolate on a cookie. And I do mean best chocolate ever! So I came up with a Peanut butter filled cookie held together with chocolate. Had no clue if it would work.. But, it did. It was a little hard to get the peanut butter mixture I use for my home made peanut butter cups to spread where I wanted it to, but I figured out if I use the back of a baby spoon, I get it just in the right spots.

It passed the taste test with the girls.

Now all nice and wrapped up pretty for delivery to my "Official Taste Tester's" :) Enjoy! I know I did.
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  1. and OMG!! They are freaking awesome!

    Ainsley decided to save hers until after lunch so I'll let you know what she thinks.. ;)

    Thanks so much!

  2. they look great! you make everything look great... :)
