Friday, June 10, 2011

Baileys Irish Cream

Now when I went in to get the regular Baileys I use a lot in baking I saw this.. WOW, who knew they came in different flavors.. I sure didn't. So since the cake I was making had caramel in it, I chose to get this one and see how it tasted.
So this is the Baileys Irish cream chocolate cake, with Caramel filling and caramel on top!!

And this is what it looks like when you cut into it.. Look at all that yummy gooey Caramel.. Ahhhh.. I am in love with this cake. I was going to do a six layer one, but quite at 4.. and glad I did. This cake was huge.

Next stop will be to the decorette shop for professional 8" cake pans. I do not like the wilton ones I used for this cake..
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